StyleManager is a companion utility program in a suite of StyleCAD products. It allows management of sample photos, fabric photos, designer sketches, spec sheets, production sheets, cost sheets and marries them with the StyleCAD style and marker database. It provides instant access to style data and marker data to designers, production managers, sales staff and anyone else who needs access to CAD data. In a typical company, staff members other than pattern makers, graders and marking experts need constant access to CAD data such as marker yields, pattern data, plot history etc. By installing StyleManager at a staff members PC, he/she gains access to the CAD data over the network.
Many companies maintain spec sheets, production sheets and cost sheets in their own Excel spreadsheet files. StyleManager supports the company's own file format. It supports up to 20 unique spreadsheet formats allowing a lot of flexibility. StyleManager can be configured to store photos and other information in the spec sheets, cost sheets etc. for easy access to all staff members.
StyleManager allows easy management of photos and images related to a style. Sample photos, fabric images and sketch can be easily dragged and dropped in. It support simple cut and paste from any popular drawing programs available such as Illustrator, CorelDraw, AutoCAD and Paint. It also supports importing images directly from scanners and digital cameras. The user can rotate images, crop an area and add text and pointer overlay to the images. StyleManager can produce line sheets with photos, style name, colors, sizes and prices.
StyleManager comes equipped with optional costing marker automatic nesting module. Costing markers can be generated within minutes and are stored in a separate storage area in order to not mix them with production markers. The module allows creating costing marker with varying width and size ratio for maximum flexibility.
StyleManager improves the production efficiency significantly. It eliminates unnecessary delays in sharing information and prevents accidents by bringing everyone involved on the same page. The following is a brief list of benefits for each personnel type.