Marker Making System
StyleCAD marking program provides the very efficient and powerful marker order entry system. From the order entry window, the user can easily create a full assortment of markers to fulfill an order. Merged markers with multiple styles and multiple markers for each material type can be created very easily. The user has many tools at his disposal for arranging the pattern pieces in the desired location.
StyleCAD's marker making system allows for incredible flexibility in the project workflow. For example, the user can create unlimited number of materials, and list up to 40 sizes per marker. The user may also update pattern designs without redoing the marker.
StyleCAD's system also includes fabric pattern matching control, which allows users to correctly create pieces using fabric that has plaids, stripes, and 5-point references. This is perfect for any industry that requires matching fabrics on various pieces to one another.
StyleCAD allows the user to use a wide array of automatic cutting machines for use with the system. In addition, the user may quickly and easily set the cut direction and sequence control for pieces before cutting. The user may also set the lay direction by bundle, size, or one way. This allows for a completely customizable marking experience.
Other time and money saving features include the ability to print a mini marker using a conventional printer, convenient on-screen marker reports and the ability to export it to Excel, the ability to merge multiple markers, and the ability to save up to 10 snapshots of each marker for comparison.
StyleCAD's marker making system uses the most cutting-edge technology to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and increase productivity when creating markers.